b'LEGENDARY KONA However, with under 200,000 peopleThere are buoys/FADS along the There are eight main islands andliving here, its population is less than acoast, and these are popular spots to seven are inhabited. Hawaiianquarter of the smaller island of Oahu. troll as yellowfin (or ahi), mahi mahi Airlines fly regularly throughout theThe water gets very deep quicklyand marlin are all found congregating day to these islands making it easyoff Kona, after leaving the marina youhere.There is a large charter fleet for visitors to explore them. Mostwill be in 300ft of water in minutes! at Kona for boats to be hired and all anglers who visit Hawaii will look toKona gets a lot of big blue marlin,have gear, so you just need to jump visit Hawaii Island (or as locals callwith several granders landed a yearon board.it the Big Island) as this is where(fish over 1000lb) and the charter the famous marlin grounds offboats fish from 600ft6000ft andULUA (GIANT TREVALLY)Kona await. usually in calm, warm blue water.TheHawaii is one of the best places The Big Island is the largest oflarge volcano behind Kona protectsto target trophy GTs (or ulua, their all the islands as the lava from thethe waters from the consistent tradeHawaiian name).The largest ever volcano continues to flow into thewinds and the hot weather meantcaptured GT of 191lb was speared in Hawaii in 1980, and many world record fish have been taken on rod and line in Hawaiian waters since then.Make sure pack a heavy top water combo (37kg braid) to cast poppers and stick baits from the rocks.Before you head to Hawaii, get in touch with the crew from the GT Fight Club who sell plenty of top water gear and also know where to fish, they can help steer you to the right places or people who can help you land a GT while staying in Hawaii.sea creating more land every day!charter boats usually came in by 3pm.This big GT was 40kg+ and bent the hook on the stick bait with so much drag used on the fish!FOR MORE INFORMATIONgtfightclub.com hawaiianairlines.com/FISHINGINGODZONE47'