b'Feature Use 5-6 oz breakout sinkers when fishing on the rugged Tasman Sea.The bottom feeding fish you want A good catch of snapper using a to target like snapper or gurnard, areSplash Drone and remember the simply less likely to attack your baitsdaily limi t is 10 snapper per person and ultimately get hooked.This ison the west coast off Northland.one of the fundamental things about drone fishing with a rod and reel, you really need to have the sensitivity and be able to feel each fish bite, right down to the sinker itself.You simply cant do this if your sinker is moving around in the current and dragging your mainline up or down the beach.The other issue is that if your sinker/traces are moving around in the current you are more likely to get the trace and mainline twisted and then getting knotted up underwater.For this reason, we use 5-6 oz breakaway sinkers.Normally this is enough weight for even the stronger currents of the west coast.If more holding power is neededthen simply use a rubber band to hold the wires in place a little more firmly.54FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'