b'HUNTINGWe stayed all day to see if any birdsSUNDAY PHEASANTS drake, but the remaining birds flew away would come in on dusk and sure enoughMy uncle Murray Pattinson had kindlyfrom Derek and CJ who were waiting at 5pm four greys arrived and were superoffered the use of his dog Ruby, a wire- nearby.Ruby raced over and I could see keen on dropping into the pond.Wehaired pointer and I got up early Sundaythe duck swimming for a small clump of waited as they flew over a couple ofand headed into town to get her forreeds to hide in.The dog got the scent times as I called to them and then onepheasants since the forecast was going toand jumped into the water, but I then split and came straight in, I hit it hard,be sunny and still again.Collecting Rubysaw the cunning drakes head pop up and it landed in the grass.The otherwho was excited to be going hunting and Imaking tiny ripples 15m in the middle of three also came back and almostwas back at the bach by 8am andthe lake.I shouted to Derek on the other in range but were behind thewe packed up to head to a bigside it was heading to him and he called maimai and then moved offgully we hunt each year. Ruby over.She jumped into the reeds before the others could getOn the way and weand almost had him, but he got away and shots off.That was all thestopped off at our oldswam back from 30m to my side and this remaining action we had,lake we usually shoot ontime Ruby raced over and jumped into and we headed back toand there were severalthe reeds and grabbed him.Amazing to the bach to have a beer andmallards on it.I stalkedsee and the guys were impressed at how discuss plans for Sunday. in and managed to wing agood she was finding that duck.Spikas new Biarri camo clothing range is perfect for duck shooters.94FISHING IN GODZONE JUL/AUG 2021'