b'SURFCASTING shellfish.I stop often at these spots and find the largest tuatua that have been left high and dry by these larger tidal flows.This free bait is what I want to send back out on the surfcaster, wrapped on the 6/0 recurve hook in elastic cotton of course.I also like to be at my chosen spot on the outgoing tide about two hours before low water.This seems to be the key bite time from just before low tide and then hour incoming. This 3-hour window on a sand bank is my favourite, hot bite time.The fish typically bite hard over this period around the lowest point of the day, it also means Three casts and three trevally inyou can walk out onto a sand bank to a row for the writer fishing a gutcast to where fish are patrolling in the W ith over 30over the incoming tide.deeper water.years of surfcasting knowledge behind me, I have built up a good base of experiencefishing in the surf. Surfcasting appeals as it is a simple form of fishing, no boat required, with little cost and just a surfcaster.Although, there are several things you can do to help your cause to put more fish in the bin on the back of the ute.TIMING Editor Matt Hewetson I have discovered over the years thatspends a lot of time my best days when surfcasting, tends to coincide with the bigger moon phases. standing in the surf fishing This isnt rocket science really, as a fulland has made several moon or new moon phase creates the biggest tides, exposing sand banks, guts,observations that can shellfish, and other food.Fish naturallylead to improved success respond to this, and I have experienced amazing fishing when you get a superto catch more fish from moon or the biggest tide of the year,the beach.while surfcasting out on the west coast.The fish are in tune to these massive tide changes and come into the coast closer off beaches in search of food.Driving down the beach in the 4x4 on an outgoing tide during a new or full moon, will suck the water well out.This heavier water movement exposes good tucker like tuatua or cockles and a dead giveaway to finding them is the presenceShawn House scored his PB of large flocks of gulls, seen along the58cm snapper using fresh tuatua waters edge fighting over the washed-updug on a sand bank.56FISHING IN GODZONE JUL/AUG 2021'