b'SPEARFISHINGHowever, when there is no rain andtarakihi, snapper and trevally are usuallyWith the cold water comes more swell ruining the visibility then wintera little dozy at these times and creepingstrain on our bodies. Compared to can offer very still and calm conditionsaround reefs stealthily (also known assummer diving, our bodies work a which means you will have crystal clearsnooping), is a great way to target theselot harder in colder temperatures water on the coast. Winter for me iswinter fish.to keep our core temps at a stable an enjoyable time for diving. NothingAlthough unlikely, winter kingfish canlevel and keep our body functioning beats slipping into cold dark water onbe found in some inshore locations. Inormally. Allowing our body temp to a still morning and being greeted byam mainly targeting snapper and reefdrop is dangerous, hinders our diving crystal clear water. I find the best timesfish so an 90-110cm reel gun is ideal,ability and can even be fatal, therefore for diving in winter are early morningsthis length gun is better for sneakingproper equipment must be used when and in the evening.Fish like John dory,around rocks in dirty water. spearfishing in winter. 36FISHING IN GODZONE JUL/AUG 2021'