b"SPEARFISHINGLarger snapper are often in the berley trail and kina is best.D iving in Godzonespeople think that in winter the waterwhere the visibility may be a little better. winter can be veryis cold and murky. However, this is notIf heading offshore is not an option, then frustrating. Asidealways the case. Due to the colder wateryou will need to know how to read a from the mind- the algae blooms that are abundant in theweather map and learn how to find dive numbing waterwarm summer temps are non-existent,spots sheltered from the wind and swell. temperatures.this leaves us with cold clean coastalOnshore winds above 15 knots are likely Storms can lastwater. This is of course unless the stormsto cause a small wind swell which will stir for days on endhit and rain, wind and swell turn the coastup the coast and create poor visibility. and continuousinto a muddy brown soup. This will however clear in a couple of rain, wind and baddays, but any rain will take a lot longer weather make it challenging and prettyPICK YOUR DAYS as it runs off the land and down rivers, unmotivating to head out into the coldA successful dive in winter all depends onwashing sediments, mud, and debris into ocean. If you can be ready to go at latethe weather leading up to the dive. If therethe ocean. This may take weeks to clear notice, know how to read a weatherhas been a bit of rain with onshore windsso it's best to hold off on diving. If you are map, have the right gear, and can head toand swell, then coastal areas will be dirtydesperate to get in the water, then looking sheltered locations then you could be inand unpleasant. In these circumstances,for peninsulas and sheltered bays are the for some great cold water spearing. Mostit's best to head offshore to outer islandsbest chances for a dive. 34FISHING IN GODZONE JUL/AUG 2021"