b'Working the shallows for bigger fish by casting softbaitsSoftbaits worked better on the is always a good option. second day but with mostly pan sized snapper caught between 32-35cm.This is of course easier if fishingThis unusual looking deep brown/with others but if you are alone,green softbait looked like an insect you will need to fish with twoor weird fish but got interest with its erratic action in the water.rods, working the jig but leave the softbait in the rod holder out the back as you drift.This approach often works very well and bigger fish will hit the lure dragged out further away from the boat, just ensure your drag is backed off and you arent in reefy country where it can snag and bust off.On the harder days of fishing, such as we discovered, fishing with different lures can help you put a few fish in the bin for your family to enjoy and you will eventually find out which jig or softbait is flavour of the day. /FISHINGINGODZONE69'