b'Over the past decade, the snapper Feature fishing out west has dramatically improved and in part thanks to the lower pressure from commercial trawling, which will now come under threat with the recent TAC increase given to seafood companies by the Government, but that is another story.For now, the snapper fishing is firing along Godzones longest beachRipiro, which stretches 107km from Maunganui Bluff in the north and down to Pouto Peninsula on the massive Kaipara harbour.This remote and wild place is one of my favourite places. It is always an adventure going there and you have a real chance to land something The morning bite from dawnbig and powerful on the surfcaster.to 10am was red hot and a dozen fish up to 55cm kept withIt is worth the 400km+ drive from several lip hooked fish released. Tauranga to stay and fish there.Brian with a good fish that were hitting the baits as soon as they were cast.18FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'