b'CATS PAWFeature The last knot is the Cats paw. This is usually used when typing a loop knot (like the Bimini twist) to a swivel. It is easy to tie (a little bit fiddly but straightforward). This is predominantly a game fishing knot for tying the mainline to the swivel to attach the leader. It is a strong knot, and the cool thing is that you can use a hook point to untie it. When using this knot be careful to keep both sides of the loop under even tension so they both pull up evenly.The other application of the Cats paw is to join two lines together (not a leader but when filling up a reel and two lines need to be joined to fill it up). You will need to make the Bimini twist a large enough one so the second line can fit through the loop several times (i.e the spool holding the second line). This works well for braid and mono line.The above four knots are proven and strong knots to help cover many different situations, with as much of the line strength retained as possible. Remember to tie your knots carefully and take your time so they hold up under pressure. Learning to tie good knots will giveYour gear will only be as strong you confidence in your gear andas the knots you tie, and youll be more success landing bigger fish. grateful when you land the big one.View VideoThe Cats paw is a solid knot for tying a loop knot to a swivel or for joining two braided lines together.30FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'