b'NewsNew Release: Oceanpro535 Centre ConsoleB ack in issue #55Mike commented, Wetapered pontoon design." The boat suits outboards we profiled theloved the layout of the"These potoons elevatein the 70-100hp range.latest releaseOceanpro 460 EVO, butthe full hull plate at the from Pauanui boatwanted something withbow for better handling builder Mike Busheven more internal space. of rough conditions with their updated design,Enter the Oceanproand boost the reserve a new Oceanpro 620 hard535, with a deck areabuoyancy compared to the top.The boat impressedthats almost 50%previous design, offering out on the water, and itlarger that the previousyou and your family was one of the first model460 EVO, this modelenhanced peace of mind."updates from Mike forprovides an expansive"We\'re so impressed with 2025 who advised theyfishing platform.Thethis new model that we\'ve had more changes toextra space, coupledbuilt one as a company come in their lineup. with the 55-degreedemonstrator, now Oceanpro have justentry hull, borrowedavailable for sea trials."released a bigger centrefrom our successful 530"In December. we\'ll be console model in time forhardtop, has led to a newin Tauranga for demo summer, the 535 is nowmodel creation weredays, welcoming anyone available and from thevery excited about. eager to experience first pictures, its a great"The 535 maintainsour new Ocenpro. looking fishing boat withour signature shear lineWe will advise later in plenty of room for casting. while utilising our newNovember of dates.12FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'