b'4. Unlike torpedo or kontiki fishing,Most will even self-hover withoutelephant fish are immensely popular you dont need all the gear at theany remote-control input at all!and targeted by drone fishing anglers.beach(no winch, no trolley,They hold their altitude well and, no complicated trace system). with GPS Mode, they lock ontoIS DRONE FISHING WORTH IT? 5. You can use your existing boatpositioning satellites allowingAbsolutely! Together, all these rod or surfcaster set to get intofor a fixed horizontal position. points make drone fishing an the game, at least to start withThis is especially useful if thereexceptionally easy, exciting, and anyway, which also helps loweris a bit of wind (which is quiteeffective way of catching fish from the costs of entry a little. often when down at the beach),the beach and shoreline.Best of the drone stays locked in positionall its something that all the family FLYING FISHING DRONES IS EASYrather than drifting with the breeze. can enjoy as a day out on the beach!One of the biggest questionsThe latest models from SwellproWhen compared with other forms we often get asked abouteven have no calibrations needed,of fishing like from a boat, drone drone fishing is: which makes setting up on thefishing is also cost effective and How hard is it to fly? I havebeach a lot easier and quicker. quite easy for everyone to be part never flown a drone before, andof the fun, even the children.Im scared I might crash it. WHAT FISH SPECIES CAN I CATCH? Drone technology has greatlyDrone fishing allows you to target aFOR MORE INFORMATION:improved over the last couplenumber of different species, and someor to learn about the different of years. Most drones on theof the more popular fish types includemodels available visit:market today in this part of thesnapper, trevally, kahawai, gurnard,www.dronefishing.co.nzworld are amazingly easy to fly!and kingfish.In the South Island,/FISHINGINGODZONE45'