b'Tested Lanza SlipknotLanza rod builder Graeme Paterson tests the new Slipknot 72 spin softbaiting rod.LanzaSlipknot-SCTSoftbaiting Rod Back in mid-2024, we wrote excitedly about a new lure rod that had really impressed us over multiple trips while testing.BY MATHEW HEWETSONL anza Rodsthen CNC ground to getimmense lifting power.be cast to work softbaits are lure rodsthe desired tapers.So,I have seen this first-handor drop jigs down to designedthis basically means theon fish myself over theretrieve.Although at 68 and built byrod blank isnt hollow aspast 12 months and willthey were a little too short renowned Kiwimost rods are traditionallyelaborate below furtherfor some avid softbaiters, rod builderbuilt with a mandrel andto make a case on whyso Graeme has developed Graeme Paterson, usingare therefore hollow. Lanza Rods impress. a longer one-piece rod blanks utilising SolidLanza Rods are thinner,Graemes first series ofto cater for this market.Carbon Technology (SCT). stronger, and lighter thanhybrid spin rods have been These Solid Carbonconventional carbonvery well received andBUILT TO CASTTechnology blanks areconstructed rods in thesought after by keen lureThe new Slipknot is 72 constructed using asame weight classes, andanglers, those looking forand a one-piece rod pultrusion die method andthis feature gives thema single rod that can eitherdesigned for better casting.66FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'