b'Trevally Species ProfileTrevally look great in the water with their distinctive silver/green colours.Surfcasting on the west coast using shellfish such as tuatua is a good option.It was pure bedlam andmy grandfather 10.WeLURESwe both rushed to set uplanded 28 trevally and theTrevally feed on many our rods and with so muchonly reason my grandfathertypes of food, including bait at our feet we justcaught ten is because hecrabs, shellfish, krill, and scooped up the baitfishstopped fishing earlier thanbaitfish so this is the to put on our hooks andme.I have never seen thisreason they are found cast in ankle deep wateramazing sight on the beachin so many different back into it!As soon assince when surfcasting forhabitats such as harbours, your bait hit the watermany years, and that day italong beaches and out your rod bent over, andtook a long time preparingin deeper water.you were on a fish! all those trevs for grandadsHaving such a varied diet They were all schoolingbig smoker that wasmeans you can catch them trevally and over the nextshared amongst severalon a variety of ways and two hours, I caught 18 andfamilies once finished. cut baits such as mussel, 46FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'