b'With soft mouths, alwaystuatua, pilchards or squidthe fight is up there asto let them take line easily use a net to secure aall work on either ledgerthe best you can get onand a sticky drag can result trevally in the boat. or flasher rigs.However,softbait gear!Other thanin lost fish.Trevs dont being a predator, they willsurfcasting, softbaitinghave the tough mouth of a also happily take lureswould be my favouritesnapper and are often lost such as softbaits and jigs. approach to targeting trevsby anglers during the fight When fishing from theand the fight they put onwhen putting too much boat we have caughtin shallower water alwayspressure on the hook.trevally using 4 and 5puts a small on your dial. Another key point is softbaits, when fishingIn deeper water overto always use a landing over the sand, on deeperreefs, or if you findnet to secure your prized reefs and in the shallowsschooling fish, droppingcatch at the boat, never where snapper are alsomicro or slow pitch jigslift the fish into the boat found.In fact, one of thewill also work well asby holding the leader.best places to target themthe shiny lures resembleThis is a potential risk is in shallow harboursthe baitfish they hunt. with the weight of the such as the Kaipara orRemember that trevallyfish tearing the hook Rangaunu (Rangiputa)have soft mouths thatfrom their delicate where you can softbaitcan rip easily, especiallymouth, then dropping over sandbanks coveredfrom their powerful runsback to swim away.by water at high tide. when they take off or diveTrevally are tough These big trevs are oftenand use their wide flanksadversaries, relatively over 6kg and up on theside on in the current. easy to find and hook sandbanks searchingIt is therefore a good ideabut never a guarantee for pipis or crabs, andto ensure your drag is setto land for anglers.Being a predator looking for baitfish, trevs will hit jigs when offered.These big trevs are often over 6kg and up on the sandbanks searching for pipis or crabs, and the fight is up there as the best you can get on softbait gear! /FISHINGINGODZONE47'