b'Flat Rock is a well-known kingfish haunt with good current and reefy structure. The change of light is a good time to be casting here.When is it time to change your lure? Usually after several follows but no strike.observant and keep watching for aA kingfish attack near a sign of a yellow-tailed reef terrorist.school of koheru.If you get a follow keep working the lure while the fish is in your area, if it happens a couple of times and no strikes then it may be time to try something different. Having said this, I have presented a lure to a kingfish three times before it finally struck. I was fishing a reef in Doubtless Bay near the bottom of the tide. I had seen some surface activity with a few maomao and small trevally slurping lunch on the surface and knew there would have to be kingfish cruising past at some stage. /FISHINGINGODZONE33'