b'Editorial May 2024 Issue 52The editor scored solid snapper whenangler a day.The minimumFISHING IN GODZONE fishing on thesize difference is also 27cmIssue #52Kaipara in mid-Aprilfor the west and 30cm for theCOVER PHOTO with the fish in greatA prime 50cm+ Kaipara snapper autumn condition. east, so anglers are rightlycaught in mid-April. often confused or forgetPhoto: Mathew Hewetsonthis variance. EDITOR AT LARGE Fishing out on the TasmanMathew Hewetsonthe snapper population isWRITERS & CONTRIBUTORS extremely healthy (the bestDan Westerkamp, Matt Strachan, Scott CushmanIve known in my lifetime ofDESIGN 50 years) and ten snapperBlockstart per angler is fair but thewww.blockstart.co.nzsmaller legal size of 27cmPUBLISHER is odd?Most west coastMarlin Marketing Limited Mathew Hewetson anglers I know would022 355 0588 never keep a fish undermathew@marlinmarketing.co.nz30cm, so it would make sense to have the fish size the same for both coasts set at 30cm. Fishing In Godzone is subject Catching sevento copyright in its entirety.snapper per day onThe contents may not be reproduced in any form, in whole the east coast and tenor in part, without the written snapper on the westpermission of the publishers. All copy, photos or other material has its merits, as the east A utumntime fishing is one ofcoast gets the most pressure on stocksforwarded to the magazine will be assumed intended for the best times of the year thatand while fishing on the west coast inpublication unless clearly labelled not for publication.Opinions I look forward to, and AprilApril, we saw only four other boats overexpressed from such content recently produced great fishingthe two days!The west coast has lessare not necessarily those of when out on the Kaiparaangler pressure with more food/habitat,the publisher.harbour where I experienced red-hotso allowing ten snapper makes sense toISSN 23821655shallow water action. me.It also means you can take morefishingingodzone.co.nzOver two days of fishing with mirrorfish if you choose, I also rarely take ten/fishingingodzonecalm conditions, we caught goodsnapper when fishing on the Kaipara as snapper in the 40-55cm range that were6-7 good sized fish is more than enough in excellent, fat condition in under abut I wouldnt want to see a limit few hours fishing each day.We couldreduction to match the east coast limit.have easily caught our combined limitsOthers would disagree and say the of twenty fish (10 per angler), but we letlimits should be the same, I would several healthy fish go that were hookedargue not, and they stay the same.in the mouth and kept 14-15 fish onUnfortunately, with the current poorer both days. east coast fishing stocks, it risks a I have a full article on this west coastfurther reduction limit, and the west harbour trip for you to read about, butcoast would then really appeal to the topic of catching your limit and fishanglers.The adage may be true for sizes is one I want to delve into further. snapper fishing, the west is best.Out on the west coast the snapperBe safe fishing and know your limits.daily limit is ten per person while overMathew Hewetson Editor at largeon the east side, it is seven snapper per 8FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'