b'FeatureThe cold water prevents algae from occurring that create the green seas of summer, leaving clear underwater conditions.that you will not see as many fish as other times; however, they will usually be bigger fish.The change of season is a time to change tactics and target more abundant cold-water species.Trevally are one species particularly abundant in winter and make fantastic eating, growing to a few kilos. Theyre a great fish to hunt on weed-lines and over rough ground. Gurnard, tarakihi, squid and John dory are also species abundant over A quality 5mm or 7mm wetsuitthe colder months.with hood will help reduce theWinter diving can be great fun and cold-water effects on the spearo.rewarding; however, its important to be prepared for the cold and listen On the topic of snapper, these arespots is part of the challenge ofto your body. Not doing this can lead generally the main target for spearoswinter diving. to far more dire consequences than over winter. This is not becauseRemember that over winter snapperin summer. Dont dive if you have they are great to eat, but also fun toarent eating as much, as theirflu or coldits more than likely that hunt. Ask any angler about wintermetabolism slows and theyre notyoull end up with an unbearable fishing and theyll say that the fishingfeeding as aggressively. This is whenheadache, feel more unwell and do slows, and the large numbers foundground-bait and berley are key. Bigdamage to your ears and nose, its inshore over summer have movedpiles of kina, fish frames and otherjust not worth it.If you can find the on. However, there are still patchestasty treats are required to bringmotivation to head out in the cold of fish around. There are somethose sleepy winter moochers out ofand can work around the weather, locations full of food where snapperhiding. Take your time and be patientyou could be in for some great diving reside year-round and finding thesewhen checking your berley. Its likelythis winter in Godzone.46FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'