b'FeatureThe Norsk 65L bin was full by 10am on the second day."This snapper measuredright up under the boat and hitor softbait got hit instantly and every the softbaits. second fish was well over 50cm, with over 50cm and for theSoftbaiting in the Kaipara meansthe bin full by 10am!next hour and a half weyou need heavier jig heads with theGraeme was stoked after such fast 5-knot current and I would tend tofishing which gave his new rods a enjoyed red-hot fishing asfavour 3/4oz or 1oz jig heads whenworkout and they were awesome every bait or softbait got hitat anchor with the Minn Kota onto test.We headed back in and spot lock. retrieved the boat at midday as one instantly and every secondWe arrived at the hole and startedother boat had pulled up to launch fish was well over 50cm! fishing at 7:30am with the berleyand asked how we got on.We running with kahawai baits, it didntreplied just another usual Kaipara take long within 10 minutes weday with a bin of healthy fish in started hooking good snapper in therecord time, he agreed it was a I told him we would need to use40cm-50cm range. typical day and was going to try his kahawai baits and berley at anchorI grabbed a new Lanza spin combousual spot for an afternoon fish.As and once the fish arrived, we canto cast back a Z-Man 7 Motor Oilthey say, the west is best!drop back softbaits to them.Graemewith its bigger profile helping to was amazed, catching fish at anchorstandout in the brackish water andVideousing softbaits is unheard of?Butas soon as it hit the bottom, it got out on the west side the fish are lessnailed by a solid fish that took line. Check out the video from the picky and with much less pressureThis snapper measured over 50cmKaipara trip here!from fishing compared to the eastand for the next hour and a half we coast, the bigger fish will comeenjoyed red-hot fishing as every bait 18FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'