b'The entrance to Doubtfulpad and we all exited the chopper tosouthern bluefin off my bucket Sound is an impressivebe welcomed aboard by our deckie/ list.It was now just after midday natural sight of Godzone. cook Torin and Richard. by the time we said goodbye to Another party who had finishedthe departing charter team as the their trip, was ready to board withchopper left and we pulled anchor to their gear to fly back to Te Anau. steam down the Fiord to have a fish While the chopper was gettingand first dive.repacked, we talked to them aboutThe ex-ferry was the ideal live fishing and diving and they happilyaboard for this type of five-day showed us photos of huge crays, codcharter; with plenty of rooms, someand to our surprise, bluefin tuna! with showers, a good-sized kitchen I was immediately interested toand galley, large table for dining, a hear about the tuna, of which theyhuge deck for getting into your dive had caught four near the entrancegear, wide transom to fish from and of the fiords and on trolled Rapalas. an awesome top deck to soak up I would love to tick one of thesethe views.Brent with a typical big Dusky blue cod which are often over 50cm.to pick up a stag.Gavin, the keenest hunter, was looking forward to stalking in Fiordland for the first time.AMAZING FLIGHTThe flight through the mountains in the big Squirrel chopper and into Dusky Sound was just amazing!The scenery is jaw dropping stunning and two of the guys were also on their very first chopper ride.It only took about 25 minutes, and we could see Tutoko II at anchor in calm waters.The pilot took us in and landed effortlessly aboard the boats heli- /FISHINGINGODZONE49'